“I can not say thank you enough. Quite simply you were incredible, not just on the day but during the run up too. We both had total confidence that you were going to not only be a lovely part of our day but actually enhance it. To us you felt like guests rather than photographers and the way you both interacted with our guests (particularly our grandparents) was so lovely to see. If it had not have been for the two of you, we would never have even attempted to go outside and I didn’t even care that I was trotting through wet grass and drizzle because it was a part of our day! I would not have changed the weather for 20degrees and sunny! Ady fixing our buttonholes – hats off to him! Thank you Lisa helping me with my hair, for putting me at ease – for everything. Our wedding was all the better for having you there and guests commented how they had never seen photographers interact the way you two did.”
-Fiona + Matthew-